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FROM: Carolyn S. Hill’s Winning Essay
SCHOOL: Pound, Va.
TEACHER:Chris Evans

Not having my GED has been that limp in my life which has increased my struggles and lowered my self-esteem. Choosing not to complete high school has played the role of missed opportunities and formed lines that I was unable to stand in. In many instances, choices were made for me. That’s why at this time in my life, I have decided to try and rid all the negativity and move forward to the positive. Getting my GED is the first step toward climbing that stairway of success.

Almost a year ago I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. My first reaction was to try and see how brave I could act, but that only lasted until I got alone in the bathroom under a faucet of cold running water. I spent the next two months walking around in shock. Then I began to look around at all the unfinished tasks that I had meant to do and began to rearrange my priorities. Oddly enough my GED was moved to the top of the list. Recently I have put forth great effort to become the cancer-free woman that I am today and I intend to put forth equal effort to acquire my GED. I can do them both the same way.

Earning my GED would be a great accomplishment and one that I could take pride in. Having my GED will assist me in the plans I make for my future, by giving me more opportunities and more choices over the lines I choose to stand in. It required surgery, along with chemotherapy and radiation treatments to make me cancer free. Having my GED can remove that limp from my life, opening the door for me to go as far as I want in becoming whatever I choose to be.